I Watched "The Wolfman" last night. Not as good as the very under appreciated 1941 "The Wolf Man". The wolf man was my fav monster as a boy. Boys sitting way too close to their TV sets gave the old '40's Universal monster movies their 2nd audience. The Universal Monsters became a huge fad. Model cars were replaced with little monster statuettes.
I re-watched "The Wolf man" a few yrs ago and thought it much more than the B movie it has always been thought to be.
I liked the Wolf Man as a boy because he suffered. Not wanting to, but compelled to become this monster by a force greater than himself, impossible to control. Then remorseful when he again became the man he thought himself to be. The cycle repeating itself with only death to stop the suffering. Sound familiar my bros & sisters in the rooms?
I find myself once again drawn to poor Lawrnce Talbot, my favorite Universal monster from my childhood. He is on TCM on this Halloween night.